Business Intelligence (BI) the new Automation in Marketing Analytics

Business Intelligence (BI) the new Automation in Marketing Analytics

Capital Markets CIO Outlook | Wednesday, February 20, 2019


The world is in the engulfment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation tools are also evolving. Automation has made any marketer’s hectic life and collecting a massive amount of data more accessible. The marketers get potential benefits from business intelligence (BI) tools which include accelerated and improved decision-making, increasing operational efficiency, optimizing internal business processes. With BI every industry is driving new financial data and information and gaining competitive advantages over business rivals.

Business intelligence has different BI tools that combine a broad set of data analysis, collaborative BI, open source, ad hoc analytics and querying, location intelligence, real-time BI applications with the machine learning process.

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BI being a practical tool for any industrial company is like the daily data supernova power to them. The current paradigm is the BI dashboard which displays aggregated data and more straightforward views. But sometimes with large data collecting and analyzing software one can miss out the most valuable insights. The solution is the Automation capabilities in the mar-tech space for analyzing the data.

Transformation of business intelligence is automating the hunt for marketing insights. With benefits of insight personalization, impartial interpretation, real-time analysis is recognizing the needs and wants for the consumers. BI engines are also reducing the margins of human error.

BI platforms with automation are changing the market and its approach towards business trades and profits.  BI is helping the business have more leverage over large data, assisting markets to build their strong foundations as brands, and grow the business industry faster than ever.

BI engines help to keep the pace with other new or early adopters of the new generation of analytics and get the marketer’s stay ahead of the slower competition to reach the targeted audiences firstly.

The arrival of AI, BI and automation capabilities will enable the marketer’s to make and achieve success. The business industry needs to adapt and adopt the BI if they don’t want to be left behind in the race of financial profits and benefits.

BI data includes storage of data and information in a data warehouse gathering new data into the systems to support both tactical decision-making and strategic plan process.

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